Ğ1 cryptocurrency conference
With the Free Currency contributors
We invite you to discover the free currency Ğ1 (pronounced “june”) through a conference organized by several developers and active contributors within its ecosystem (Attilax, Vit, Eloïs and/or Paulart).
The conference will last two hours in Amphi, on Wednesday 13 November from 14h30 to 16h30.
External visitors can attend the conference under the following conditions:
- You must notify us of your presence (via Mastodon or by email, waiting for the implementation of event management software);
- You must notify us at least 12 hours in advance;
- You must be present in front of the school at least 15 minutes before the start of the event.
- Have a ID to enter the building (not required by us but by school’s security).
We can accommodate a maximum of 10 external people (not including speakers).
The conference will be recorded: you will find it after a few weeks on the studios42 YouTube channel (42 school channel) under a free/libre license.
🔗Ethical talks #1: Cryptocurrencies and their challenges
We organized a debate, following this conference, on cryptocurrency-related issues with the Ğ1 contributors.
Participants are free to exchange thoughts and ideas on the economic, societal and political stakes of cryptocurrency through the following issues:
- What is the difference between a free currency and a non-free currency?
- How to obtain a social consensus among the actors of a cryptocurrency?
- What are the issues and consequences of anonymity on the monetary network?
- Should we free ourselves from financial intermediaries?
Places are limited. It is strongly recommended to attend the conference before the debate in order to be able to understand and follow the discussions.
External visitors cannot attend the debate, but we will provide a summary on the site.
See you soon,
~ N&B
English translation by Fabien.