Conference: Software development ethics and cooperatives
With Codeurs en Liberté
Hello everyone !
A new conference is taking place at the 42 school !
🔗Conference: Software development ethics and cooperatives
The 42l association invites you to meet the members of the cooperative Codeurs en Liberté during a one-hour conference in the Holodeck room.
Description of the conference below:
A widely shared analysis in the world of software, and even more so in the world of free software, is that it is difficult to find a job with both satisfying working conditions and meaningful projects.
We do not want to work for banks, the manufacture of weapons, nor contribute to the insecurity of some workers. We want to make free software, open data and contribute to the commons.
We do not want to be surbordinates to a hierarchy for which capital value maximisation is a purpose. We demand to control our working time and to be able to say “no”, for the good of society as well as our health.
For many people, the answer lies in becoming self-employed in order to freely choose our projects and our way of working. However this has other drawbacks: lack of social security coverage (no permanent contracts), and sometimes a very lonely job.
At Codeurs en liberté, we have started a cooperative up by twisting the legal frameworks to enable us to be self-employed, within a collective. Therefore we are several self-employed workers, we share the administrative tasks, and we attempt to go further than that by supporting projects that we consider important.
We offer to explain the why and how in a presentation.
The conference will be held in French on Thursday 27 February at 2.00pm for one hour.
Find the recording of the talk on our PeerTube channel.
🔗Attend the conference as a non 42 student
Not a 42 student ? No worries, you can still attend the conference. Please follow these instructions:
- you must notify us of your attendance (via Mastodon or mail);
- you must subscribe or unsubscribe at least 12 hours prior to the conference beginning;
- you must be in front of 42 at least 15 minutes prior to the event start.
A maximum of 10 external visitors can join us.
All are most than welcome !