The associations we support in 2022
With a summary of your donations received this year
Like last year, La Contre-Voie dedicates 15% to 20% of its surplus on the previous year to contribute financially to structures of our choice.
In 2021, the association has realized an exceptional surplus of 1 341 euros, which would represent between 200 and 268 euros of donations.
On December 18, we met with our Bureau and our Contribution Committee to select together the structures we wish to support.
This year, we are supporting three organizations, for a total amount of 240 euros:
- 80 euros for the association Échap, whose mission is to fight against sexist cyber-violence and who produce excellent guides under free license, some of which are notably about digital hygiene;
- 80 euros for the association Exarius, a small but still young structure, member of the CHATONS collective and maintained by students;
- 80 euros for Le Cloud Girofle, a CHATONS member association that also offers free alternative services.
We hope that this modest financial contribution from us - within our means - can help these associations to continue their activities.
🔗Your donations received in December
At the end of the year, we received even more financial support than we expected: 450 euros of donations in December (for a total of 542 euros in 2022). Your donations represent 18% of our funding this year. With membership fees from our members and t-shirt sales, our campaign ends with 125% of our funding goal achieved! Thank you for your support!
We would like to thank especially the association Exodus Privacy for their donation of 333 euros :)
In 2023, we are going to give ourselves the means to organize more activities, that’s why we plan to progressively increase our annual budget. To continue our actions, your contribution is essential. We will detail the issue of financing our structure in a future article.
In the meantime, have a great holiday season!