Cities under surveillance : Is Big Data Watching You ?
With La Quadrature du Net
Hi everyone.
On May 23, 2022, la Quadrature du Net, a French association defending and promoting rights and freedoms on the Internet, will honor us with an intervention at 42, in a conference that will be followed by a question-and-answer session with the participants.
Since 2019, La Quadrature du Net has been fighting against surveillance technologies that are proliferating in our cities, through its decentralized campaign Technopolice.
Algorithmic video surveillance, biometrics: increasingly sophisticated, these devices are also increasingly used and trivialized… even though their effectiveness remains to be proven.
Why should we be concerned about these technologies and consider them as dangerous for our freedoms? How did these technologies manage to impose themselves? What are the interests of the actors who promote them? How are Smart City and Technopolice two sides of the same coin?
To answer these questions, Alouette and nono, members of LQDN, will present the deployment of the technopolice, its consequences on populations and the discriminations it generates, and will give you tracks to be able to refuse to work for the companies that maintain this technopolice.
The presentation will take place at 42 on May 23, 2022 at 4pm.
🔗Attend the conference as an outsider
You are not 42 student but would like to attend the conference? This is not a problem, just follow those instructions:
- you must notify us of your attendance (via Mastodon or email);
- you must notify at least 12 hours before the event ;
- you must be present in front of the school at least 15 minutes before the event starts.
We can accommodate a maximum of 10 people from outside the school.
You will also be able to find this conference on our PeerTube channel after the event.
See you soon,