Forms service

Forms service

Create forms without registration

Access the Forms service


Create forms

Are you looking for an ethical alternative to Google Forms that is still easy to use?

You’ve just found it.


Analyse responses

View the responses to your form with a graph.

Find a summary of all the answers sent to your form.


Export data

Save the raw data of your form in CSV format to integrate the answers in a spreadsheet (e.g. LibreOffice Calc).

This allows you to make graphs in your favourite spreadsheet program with the data from the Forms service.


All your forms in one place

Find all your forms on the same panel.

Don’t lose a single form, as long as you keep the administration link.

Service in beta phase

This service is under development and may behave in unexpected ways.

You can send us feedback on our contact page.

It's a free service

This service is available free of charge and without registration.

By using it, you accept our Terms of Use without condition.

Separator with the association logo
Logo of the association La Contre-Voie

We maintain this service for you

This service is maintained by La Contre-Voie, a non-profit association recognized of general interest. We ensure daily the proper functioning of this service.

However, we don’t have the financial resources of Google (we do not sell your data!) and if most of our services are free for you, they are not for us: their maintenance requires a personal and financial investment.

We cannot survive without your support. To help us, you can make a donation or join the association.